Wednesday, June 3, 2009

4000 Flavors

There was a surprise waiting for me in the mailbox yesterday morning- Volume 3 of 4000 Flavors, a zine created and compiled by friend and Philly neighbor (he lives on the other side of the river but we are all neighbors here), Sean Hamilton. I sent him two pieces when he first dreamt up the zine and was pretty stoked when he used one in the first issue. I didn't make it to the release party (working on Saturdays is for the dogs, man) but he was kind enough to send me a copy and I really dug it. I wrote about it here and included my submission.

Laziness and other vices set in on my part shortly thereafter and I lost track of this tiny gem (speaking of tiny gems, please check out this blog by the Vassallo siblings) until yesterday. While I was "sleeping" Sean was hard at work- Volume 4 was released in May and Volume 5 is in production. 

As for Volume 3, it's pretty damn good. It's cool for me to see what some of my former classmates are doing, and to add new names to my mental rolodex. Plus, a piece of mine is in it! I'm not putting this piece online- you'll have to buy Volume 3 to read it. Volume 1 and 2 are available online here- for $5 or less! Even if you can barely afford your rent, like Sean and I, you can shell out $5 to enrich your life. I plan on purchasing Volume 2 as soon as I get my next paycheck.

I've linked it twice already, but please check out the 4000 Flavors blog. I've really enjoyed catching up with it today and yesterday. There is also a pretty cool article on Phrequency about Mr. Hamilton. 

Alright, time to make my hubby dinner and play fetch with the cat. Check out those links.