We're hitting the road (I have never understood that expression; I will continue to use it) Sunday morning, very early. The plan is to make it to Birmingham the first day, then New Orleans. One day we'll have breakfast in Santa Fe and drinks in Denver. We'll also spend a few days in Las Vegas and some time in LA. Once we get our stuff in the car on Sunday we won't have any deadlines to meet until our plane on the 26th. That is over ten and a half days of doing whatever we feel like doing!
I am having a hard time figuring out what to pack.

I feel very strongly about seeing this:

Cadillac Ranch, in Amarillo, TX
Also this:

Lighthouse in Cedar City, UT.
OK I don't really care about seeing that last one so much but I find the description hilarious:
Honoring landlocked Utah's nonexistent maritime tradition is a full size lighthouse.
Caddillac Ranch is pretty awesome. Try and stay on 66 as much as you can; there's a lot of hidden treasures.